Saturday, January 14, 2006

Westland by T.S.Eliot

I started reading this book in the very begining of 2006 as part of my new year resolution that I must read very solid writings now on! There is lot of garbage in the market, I feel tired after reading such books! The problem is one must try to read books of new authros to look for new findings; but in that process one must read lots of garbage. This is a big challenge to me: to find out books which are really challenging, challenge human intellectual. One just can't depend on references by other people, can't depend on prize winners, can't depend on many things...this makes it harder and harder to select right set of books. I am working on this continously: "how to select an exciting book, an exciting writing"...not just the regular once, not just the one following rules and regulations, right grammer and syntaxt, but there is heart in it.

So, I didn't take a risk in the begining of 2006! I selected Westland.
Westland by Eliot is no doubt one such book. I am still not done with the book since I am all over these beautiful lines all the time:

"He who was living in now dead
We who were living are now dying
With a little patience"

I am into these lines now...this makes me feel good...face the reality in true sense.....more later...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Tao te ching : an illustrated journey / Lao Tzu

There are several translations available for the philosophy of Tao Te Ching or in short Tao. I heard about Taoism for several years but never found time to read about it. I heard lots of jokes about it mostly from modern intellectuals. I was seriously interested in this book only after reading the book of Capra (Tao of Physics)...just thought about giving it a try.

I read the translation by Stephen Mitchell. It was simple and clear translation, I liked a lot. I read it few times and like it more, even more than the thick books on Tao explaining the theory in great detail...

Idea of Tao looks very simple in the begining and well known to us. But in search of a philosophy we often forget this basic simplicity and consistency in it. This also look impractical to many, in fact to me too. But more I think about it, I get a hang of it. This world is not perfect, that doesn't mean that we can't think about perfection or try to be perfect.

Take Tao in the same spirit. You just think about it, practice it in your thinking and decision making process, when you are lonely, when you feel see, you may find a meaning of it..sounds lot like a religion? Not to me! Its just the way of thinking, the way you see things just changes...things don't change, they remain same!

At the end, Tao can't be explained :-)